Alexander Khodakovsky
For anyone who loves music
Alexander Khodakovsky


  • 15 Mai 2013, Artikel
  • Композиции Александра Ходаковского для гитары
  • Гитариссимо! Коллеги и друзья! Информируем Вас о выпуске двух авторских сборников сочинений и транскрипций для гитары. 2013/№1, №2. (51, 52)   Издательство «МУЗЫЧНА ШКОЛА» г. Киев Автор – основатель и первый педагог классов гитары в Житомирском государственном музыкальном училище им. Виктора Косенко, Житомирском государственном институте культуры и искусств, заслуженный деятель искусств Украины - Александр Ходаковский Книги адресованы педагогам и ученикам 4 – 7 классов ...
  • 22 Sep 2012, Artikel
  • Composer to composer p. 7, 8, 9.
  •           7. This has never happened and, 1 believe, never will. Accordingly, I have no desire to cease the work which 1 began long ago. I never write music until I feel an insistent need to. Meanwhile, suppressing my impulses, 1 carry to melody inside me like a disease. The temperature mounts. For some time, the rhythms tortures me, doesn't let me sleep. But later the temperature falls. Recovery comes the music is written. The more complicated the musical form, ...
  • 22 Sep 2012, Artikel
  • "Composer to composer" p. 5, 6.
  • 5. For me, man is no finished product not a dummy in the stellar a hop-window of the Universe, but a creation of Nature and his environs, subject to change like everything else in the world. There never was nor be a perfect model of man. All notions of man are interesting, yet we can see how they change. That yesterday appeared to be the last word, today seems outmoded. Why is this so? Because Confucian and Heraclitean rivers flows on, swifter and swifter with every day. Man is both the same as ever and ...
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